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virgin try at @ilovedayplusbread 😌 thank you @sunnyrunnyeggs for recommending me the maple flavour !! words cannot even describe this bread its literally the ideal dream bread hehe. saw this on promo for $1 at giant i just had to grab it . at first i was like “whats the hype about this bread ? “ cause honestly ive never thought much about packaged bread. but wow im astonished, this bread really changed the game for me. i love how after steaming, the aroma of the maple syrup infused the room. and i love how the maple flavour was fresh and yeasty , as if it were just out of the oven. in every bite i could taste the strong taste of the maple syrup. in this case, the maple syrup tasted like the one used at macdonalds, which i dont mind at all because i love love their maple syrup. the bread had a nice airy and fully texture, and was indeed very delicate. pulling the bread was one of the best part ;D ( i swear i wasnt playing with my food 🙈) so will i get this again ? YES !! mix of my favourite maple syrup + yeasty fluffiness of this bread is literally my dream bread. will recommend this too if youre craving for something light yet fresh and sweet.


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