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ohmygod! this changed my impression of dayplus breads, last time i tried their double chocolate bread and i think i didn’t really enjoy it cause i microwaved it for the chocolate to be melty but it made the bread soggy so not a fan. but i love maple syrup on my pancakes so i wanted to try this flavour cause i thought it’s not very common! and boy it’s sO fluffy, seriously light and airy and the sheets of alternating maple and white bread is sO GOOD. i love the maple flavour and it is so satisfying to peel and eat the layers. love it🤩, and i know some of y’all have recommended me other flavours that i haven’t got around to trying yet since the supermarkets around me have very limited flavours and i was worried i was gonna like it again but gonna make a list now and slowly try them🤩

also exams are coming up so i’m not going out to try new foods as frequently so i may not have as much stuff to review but i’ll put up anything if i can for the next month💕


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